I was struggling to find a topic for this article when a child in an
Agriculture Awareness Program at the Ft Worth Stock Show inadvertently
gave me an idea. They had seen a similar program at the State Fair of
Texas during the fall semester, during that program the presenters do
projects with pumpkins because it is timely for Halloween and
Thanksgiving. The students wanted to know if they would get to do the
pumpkin projects. How many fresh pumpkins are available in January? This
story exemplifies one of the huge problems facing farming and ranching -
a lack of knowledge or understanding and the corresponding disconnect by
those who are not involved in production agriculture.
Farmers and ranchers have become a huge minority! Approximately 2
percent of the U.S. population is involved in farming or ranching. Of
that number, more than half are small operators. Therefore, less than 1
percent of our population is truly engaged in farming. The majority of
our population doesn't know when, where or how their food gets to them.
They expect it to magically be there when they need it. Obviously, more
than 1 percent of the population is involved in getting food to the
consumer, but how many of them know that most of our vegetables and
numerous other crops are planted in the spring and harvested in the
fall? And how about the food animals? Do they know that cows have one
calf per year and that milk cows freshen only once a year? What about
the seasonality of pork and egg production? I think you are getting the
picture. Production agriculture has some giant hurdles.
How can such a minority survive? I think we need to study how others
have been successful in advancing their causes. Generally, they have:
• been dedicated to a purpose;
• been very persistent;
• been very vocal to draw attention to themselves or their issues;
• targeted a small number of key issues; and
• raised money very aggressively.
I am not advocating that we employ all of the actions and methods that
some minority groups have used; however, I think there are lessons to be
learned. Unity is a key issue. The time has long since passed for
squabbling and bickering within the industry. We need to seek common
ground and work together to accomplish meaningful goals.
The general population is far removed from farms and ranches. There is a
wide gap in knowledge, understanding and perception between production
agriculture and the general population. The public doesn't understand
that fertilizer, pesticides and biotechnology are good things when used
properly. They have watched too many movies and listened to too many
slanted "news reports" that are based on emotion and fear rather than
facts and science. Many children don't know that beef comes from cattle
and think that milk and eggs originate at the grocery store. They think
cereal comes from a box without realizing that it was grown on a farm.
We must become advocates of agriculture. We have to do a better job of
telling our story and explaining our position, or we may not have a
story to tell. How can you effectively impact this situation? Become
more active in producer organizations. Be a member of the local, state
and national organizations that represent you. Go to local meetings and
have an influence on what is happening regarding issues and policy. An
organization has a difficult time representing you and your views if you
are not a member or fail to participate in the process. Learn the issues
- be informed and proactive. Engage people you encounter in your daily
life. Tell the good things about agriculture and know the facts. Avoid
being negative or argumentative as this generally hurts your credibility
and the industry. Be dedicated to purpose and avoid coming across as
unintelligent or hotheaded. We can sometimes be our own worst enemy.
Strive to represent what is right with farming and ranching, not what's
wrong with it. You can find this and past articles on the web at
http://www.mycountrytractor.blogspot.com/ for your reference. Extension proserve of all ages regardless of
socioeconomic level, race, color, sex,
religion, disability, or national origin. The Texas A&M University
System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners
Courts of Texas Cooperating serve of all ages regardless of
socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national
origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating
Thank you,
Tommy Neyland
County Extension Agent
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
P.O. Box 188
Centerville, Texas 75833
903.536.2531 phone
903.536.3804 fax
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