During the Texas 4-H Summer Council Training in Lubbock, Texas July 19-22 Leon County 4-Her Will Mahaffey was chosen to serve as an officer for the Texas 4-H Council in 2008. This marks the first time a Leon County 4-H member has been elected to this level of representation. The 4-H Council is a body of 33 young people elected to fill the highest positions young people can attain in the 4-H organization in a state. Being a State 4-H Council member is often seen as the pinnacle of a young person's 4-H career. Council members plan retreats, conferences, and camps for the 4-H members that they represent and are responsible for industry contacts and public appearances representing the state organization. They receive opportunities that are not available to other 4-H members, such as travel, networking, and leadership training. 4-H members spend many years in preparation to run for one of these coveted positions.
Picture Caption: Mahaffey with cake honoring his achievement at the Leon County 4-H Council Meeting
Tommy Neyland- County Extension Agent, Will Mahaffey, Wendy Neyland County Extension Agent
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Is 4-H 4 U
Is 4-H 4 U?
4-H is the youth development program of the Texas AgriLife Extension
Service. It
focuses on the needs, concerns and interests of young people. Its aim
is to help
youth gain a positive self-concept, rational social behavior, knowledge
and problem-solving capabilities. Through planned individual projects,
meetings, group activities and participation in different events,
members develop new skills, learn cooperation, develop leadership
abilities, improve their citizenship and have fun. Young people from
all ethnic or cultural groups, regardless of geographic location may
participate. Age groups generally range from 9 to 19; our local
Extension office has specific information. A 4-H member is any youth
enrolls and participates in a planned sequence of learning
Members are guided by Extension staff members or trained volunteers.
The minimum criterion for membership is participation in six or more
learning activities 20 to 60 minutes long. The length of the learning
event should be adapted to the attention span appropriate to the age of
youth involved.
This project experience can take place once a week or when
Youth participation is the key to 4-H. The learning-by doing model of
education works best when young people are fully involved. The greater
the involvement, the greater the educational benefit.
What are participation avenues in 4-H?
Youth can participate in 4-H programs via 4-H clubs, short term groups,
and 4-H activities.
4-H Clubs
These are organized groups that meet at regularly scheduled times with
one or more volunteer leaders and elected youth officers. 4-H clubs
normally meet on a 9 to 12-month basis with one or more meetings per
month. Several types of clubs can be organized:
● Community or neighborhood clubs consist of members who live
reasonably close to each other. These clubs often offer a wide variety
of 4-H projects to
the participating members.
● Project clubs are organized around a common interest in a
particular project or group of projects. Project clubs can be organized
to learn about gardening, photography, animal husbandry, theater arts
and other areas of interest to youth.
● School clubs are organized in public or private schools. Project
activities are usually conducted outside of school hours and can be
organized around a single project for all or several members. These
clubs are usually led by teachers or other volunteers.
Short-term groups
4-H members work on short-term projects that are completed in six or
more meetings. Each group works on a specific topic or project. Groups
work under the supervision of an adult volunteer or teen leader. Two
major types of short-term groups are recognized in this category:
● School curriculum enrichment: Through cooperative arrangements
between schools and the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, schoolteachers
present Extension-developed learning materials in the classroom. These
educational experiences are designed to enhance the educational programs
of the schools.
● Special interest projects: Usually, these groups organize for the
duration of the project instruction under the leadership of adult or
teen volunteers. Groups can have a formal structure or not. At the end
of each program, youth are invited to become involved in either
additional special interest projects or organized clubs.
An example in this category is the Expanded Nutrition Program for
Youth. In this program, youth groups receive instruction on food and
good nutrition practices using special educational resources.
4-H Activities
Many types of activities and projects are available to 4-H members.
Every 4-H member is expected to complete at least one
Extension-sponsored project every year. In addition to project activity,
4-H youth are expected to participate in club organization and
management, community service or service learning projects and
leadership development. Many young people attend leadership programs,
competitive or educational events, and camp programs as part of their
4-H experience.
Who sponsors 4-H?
4-H is sponsored jointly by the land grant universities of each U.S.
state, the Extension Service of the United States Department of
Agriculture, (USDA) and County Commissioner’s Courts. Many private
donors also provide either financial or in-kind program support.
Volunteers are the cornerstone of the 4-H program in the community. They
conduct educational activities with youth and serve in other specialized
roles. Orientation and assistance with the total 4-H program is
provided by county Extension educators or agents in each county. State
and area 4-H and youth development specialists support County Staff with
materials as well as technical and management assistance.
The organization
Local 4-H members, parents and volunteer 4-H leaders determine the
objectives and establish annual goals for their 4-H club or group. These
goals are normally established on the basis of goals identified for the
4-H program at the county level. Most counties have a 4-H subcommittee
concerned with overall planning, program direction and support for
Extension 4-H and youth work. The subcommittee’s work is coordinated
by the Extension staff in the county.
Many counties also have a county adult leaders association which serves
primarily as a vehicle for providing volunteer training and support of
the 4-H program. Furthermore, many counties have a county 4-H council
composed of one or more youth representatives of each 4-H club or group
in the county to enhance countywide coordination and participation in
planning and conducting 4-H activities.
4-H Emblem and colors
The 4-H club emblem is a four-leaf clover with the letter “H” on
each leaf. The four H’s” stand for head, heart, hands and health.
The leaves of the clover are green and the “H’s” are white. The
white is for purity. Green is nature’s most common color and is
symbolic of youth, life and growth. The 4-H Name and Emblem belong to
the 4-H Youth Development Program, under the authority of USDA. It is a
federally protected emblem by the U.S. Congress under code “18
4-H Motto
“To Make the Best Better”
4-H Pledge
“I pledge:
My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living, for my club, my community,
my country, and my world.”
4-H Prayer
Help me, O Lord, to live so that the world may
be a little better because Thou didst make me.
2008-2009 Meeting Schedules
Buffalo 4-H
Jennifer McGill, Club Manager/903-322-8908
9-15-08 First Meeting
9-22-08 Orientation Meeting For New Members
Meets 3rd Monday, Buffalo Elementary School, 7 PM
Centerville 4-H
Rachel Johnson, Co-Club Manager/903-344-1379
8-26-08 First Meeting
9-23-08 Orientation Meeting for New Members
Meets 3rd Tuesday, Centerville High School Cafeteria, 7 PM
Leon 4-H
Ruth Spillman, Club Manager/903-626-5785
9-8-08 First Meeting and Orientation For New Members
Meets 2nd Monday , First Methodist Church, Jewett, 7 PM
Normangee 4-H
Patty Winkler, Club Manager/936-3966484
9-8-08 First Meeting
9-15-08 Orientation Meeting for New Members
Meets 2nd Monday, Normangee High School Cafeteria, 7 PM
Oakwood 4-H
Becky Cockrell, Club Manager.903-545-2348
8-25-08 First Meeting
9-2-08 Orientation For New Members
Meets 3rd Monday, Oakwood School Cafeteria, 7 PM
Horse Club
Sandy Hennesey, Club Manager/903-536-1116
9-9-08 First Meeting, 6 or 7 PM
9-16-08 Orientation For New Members, 7 PM
Call For Location
All dates and times are subject to change. Please contact the Texas
AgriLife Extension Service at 903-536-2531 or a Club Manager for more
information. Educational programs of Texas AgriLife Extension Service
are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability,
religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of
Texas Cooperating.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
4-H is the youth development program of the Texas AgriLife Extension
Service. It
focuses on the needs, concerns and interests of young people. Its aim
is to help
youth gain a positive self-concept, rational social behavior, knowledge
and problem-solving capabilities. Through planned individual projects,
meetings, group activities and participation in different events,
members develop new skills, learn cooperation, develop leadership
abilities, improve their citizenship and have fun. Young people from
all ethnic or cultural groups, regardless of geographic location may
participate. Age groups generally range from 9 to 19; our local
Extension office has specific information. A 4-H member is any youth
enrolls and participates in a planned sequence of learning
Members are guided by Extension staff members or trained volunteers.
The minimum criterion for membership is participation in six or more
learning activities 20 to 60 minutes long. The length of the learning
event should be adapted to the attention span appropriate to the age of
youth involved.
This project experience can take place once a week or when
Youth participation is the key to 4-H. The learning-by doing model of
education works best when young people are fully involved. The greater
the involvement, the greater the educational benefit.
What are participation avenues in 4-H?
Youth can participate in 4-H programs via 4-H clubs, short term groups,
and 4-H activities.
4-H Clubs
These are organized groups that meet at regularly scheduled times with
one or more volunteer leaders and elected youth officers. 4-H clubs
normally meet on a 9 to 12-month basis with one or more meetings per
month. Several types of clubs can be organized:
● Community or neighborhood clubs consist of members who live
reasonably close to each other. These clubs often offer a wide variety
of 4-H projects to
the participating members.
● Project clubs are organized around a common interest in a
particular project or group of projects. Project clubs can be organized
to learn about gardening, photography, animal husbandry, theater arts
and other areas of interest to youth.
● School clubs are organized in public or private schools. Project
activities are usually conducted outside of school hours and can be
organized around a single project for all or several members. These
clubs are usually led by teachers or other volunteers.
Short-term groups
4-H members work on short-term projects that are completed in six or
more meetings. Each group works on a specific topic or project. Groups
work under the supervision of an adult volunteer or teen leader. Two
major types of short-term groups are recognized in this category:
● School curriculum enrichment: Through cooperative arrangements
between schools and the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, schoolteachers
present Extension-developed learning materials in the classroom. These
educational experiences are designed to enhance the educational programs
of the schools.
● Special interest projects: Usually, these groups organize for the
duration of the project instruction under the leadership of adult or
teen volunteers. Groups can have a formal structure or not. At the end
of each program, youth are invited to become involved in either
additional special interest projects or organized clubs.
An example in this category is the Expanded Nutrition Program for
Youth. In this program, youth groups receive instruction on food and
good nutrition practices using special educational resources.
4-H Activities
Many types of activities and projects are available to 4-H members.
Every 4-H member is expected to complete at least one
Extension-sponsored project every year. In addition to project activity,
4-H youth are expected to participate in club organization and
management, community service or service learning projects and
leadership development. Many young people attend leadership programs,
competitive or educational events, and camp programs as part of their
4-H experience.
Who sponsors 4-H?
4-H is sponsored jointly by the land grant universities of each U.S.
state, the Extension Service of the United States Department of
Agriculture, (USDA) and County Commissioner’s Courts. Many private
donors also provide either financial or in-kind program support.
Volunteers are the cornerstone of the 4-H program in the community. They
conduct educational activities with youth and serve in other specialized
roles. Orientation and assistance with the total 4-H program is
provided by county Extension educators or agents in each county. State
and area 4-H and youth development specialists support County Staff with
materials as well as technical and management assistance.
The organization
Local 4-H members, parents and volunteer 4-H leaders determine the
objectives and establish annual goals for their 4-H club or group. These
goals are normally established on the basis of goals identified for the
4-H program at the county level. Most counties have a 4-H subcommittee
concerned with overall planning, program direction and support for
Extension 4-H and youth work. The subcommittee’s work is coordinated
by the Extension staff in the county.
Many counties also have a county adult leaders association which serves
primarily as a vehicle for providing volunteer training and support of
the 4-H program. Furthermore, many counties have a county 4-H council
composed of one or more youth representatives of each 4-H club or group
in the county to enhance countywide coordination and participation in
planning and conducting 4-H activities.
4-H Emblem and colors
The 4-H club emblem is a four-leaf clover with the letter “H” on
each leaf. The four H’s” stand for head, heart, hands and health.
The leaves of the clover are green and the “H’s” are white. The
white is for purity. Green is nature’s most common color and is
symbolic of youth, life and growth. The 4-H Name and Emblem belong to
the 4-H Youth Development Program, under the authority of USDA. It is a
federally protected emblem by the U.S. Congress under code “18
4-H Motto
“To Make the Best Better”
4-H Pledge
“I pledge:
My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living, for my club, my community,
my country, and my world.”
4-H Prayer
Help me, O Lord, to live so that the world may
be a little better because Thou didst make me.
2008-2009 Meeting Schedules
Buffalo 4-H
Jennifer McGill, Club Manager/903-322-8908
9-15-08 First Meeting
9-22-08 Orientation Meeting For New Members
Meets 3rd Monday, Buffalo Elementary School, 7 PM
Centerville 4-H
Rachel Johnson, Co-Club Manager/903-344-1379
8-26-08 First Meeting
9-23-08 Orientation Meeting for New Members
Meets 3rd Tuesday, Centerville High School Cafeteria, 7 PM
Leon 4-H
Ruth Spillman, Club Manager/903-626-5785
9-8-08 First Meeting and Orientation For New Members
Meets 2nd Monday , First Methodist Church, Jewett, 7 PM
Normangee 4-H
Patty Winkler, Club Manager/936-3966484
9-8-08 First Meeting
9-15-08 Orientation Meeting for New Members
Meets 2nd Monday, Normangee High School Cafeteria, 7 PM
Oakwood 4-H
Becky Cockrell, Club Manager.903-545-2348
8-25-08 First Meeting
9-2-08 Orientation For New Members
Meets 3rd Monday, Oakwood School Cafeteria, 7 PM
Horse Club
Sandy Hennesey, Club Manager/903-536-1116
9-9-08 First Meeting, 6 or 7 PM
9-16-08 Orientation For New Members, 7 PM
Call For Location
All dates and times are subject to change. Please contact the Texas
AgriLife Extension Service at 903-536-2531 or a Club Manager for more
information. Educational programs of Texas AgriLife Extension Service
are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability,
religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of
Texas Cooperating.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
Monday, August 11, 2008
Leon County Hay Show
Hay Samples are being accepted for the 2008 Leon County Hay Show.
The Annual Leon County Hay Show will be held on Wednesday, October 22,
2008 at the Buffalo Civic Center. The deadline for submitting samples
is Friday, September 26, 2008. Samples should not be taken from the
outer 4 to 6 inches of round bales. Samples from square bales should
come out of the middle of the bale. Most producers place their samples
in feed sacks, we need about half a sack of hay. Write your name, and
type of grass sampled (Bahia, Coastal, Tifton, Jiggs, Ryegrass, etc).
There will be a charge of $5.00 for each sample submitted after the
first free sample. Normal cost of samples is $10, hay show participants
will be receiving a $5 discount on each sample submitted. Hay samples
and checks, made payable to Ag Fund can be left at: Texas Agrilife
Extension Service in Leon County, Davis Feed Centerville-Buffalo, Cattle
Country, Centerville Feed and M&M Farm Supply.
The Leon County Beef and Forage Committee jointly with the
Freestone County Beef and Forage Committee and Texas Agrilife Extension
Service will host the Hay Show this year. The program will start with a
trade show then a meal which will be at 6:00 pm. The guest speaker for
this year’s hay show will be Vanessa Corriaer the new Forage
Specialist with The Texas Agrilife Extension Service. If you want to
learn how to get the most out of your winter grass, save money and
increase profits, you should attend. We will be offering two CEU’s
toward recertification of private, non commercial and commercial
applicator licenses for attending the evening program.
Local sponsors are Normangee State Bank, Oakwood State Bank,
Wells Fargo Centerville, First National Bank Buffalo, and Citizens State
Bank Buffalo- Centerville. The sponsors listed above have been a part
of the Leon County Hay Show for several years. These sponsors pay for
your meal and the plaques. During the selection process a Best of Show
and Reserve Best of Show will be selected and they will be awarded the
night of the Hay Show. All persons interested in attending should
Contact The Texas Cooperative Extension Office in Leon County by
Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 903.536.2531 or by email at leon@ag.tamu.edu
to reserve your chili dinner.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
The Annual Leon County Hay Show will be held on Wednesday, October 22,
2008 at the Buffalo Civic Center. The deadline for submitting samples
is Friday, September 26, 2008. Samples should not be taken from the
outer 4 to 6 inches of round bales. Samples from square bales should
come out of the middle of the bale. Most producers place their samples
in feed sacks, we need about half a sack of hay. Write your name, and
type of grass sampled (Bahia, Coastal, Tifton, Jiggs, Ryegrass, etc).
There will be a charge of $5.00 for each sample submitted after the
first free sample. Normal cost of samples is $10, hay show participants
will be receiving a $5 discount on each sample submitted. Hay samples
and checks, made payable to Ag Fund can be left at: Texas Agrilife
Extension Service in Leon County, Davis Feed Centerville-Buffalo, Cattle
Country, Centerville Feed and M&M Farm Supply.
The Leon County Beef and Forage Committee jointly with the
Freestone County Beef and Forage Committee and Texas Agrilife Extension
Service will host the Hay Show this year. The program will start with a
trade show then a meal which will be at 6:00 pm. The guest speaker for
this year’s hay show will be Vanessa Corriaer the new Forage
Specialist with The Texas Agrilife Extension Service. If you want to
learn how to get the most out of your winter grass, save money and
increase profits, you should attend. We will be offering two CEU’s
toward recertification of private, non commercial and commercial
applicator licenses for attending the evening program.
Local sponsors are Normangee State Bank, Oakwood State Bank,
Wells Fargo Centerville, First National Bank Buffalo, and Citizens State
Bank Buffalo- Centerville. The sponsors listed above have been a part
of the Leon County Hay Show for several years. These sponsors pay for
your meal and the plaques. During the selection process a Best of Show
and Reserve Best of Show will be selected and they will be awarded the
night of the Hay Show. All persons interested in attending should
Contact The Texas Cooperative Extension Office in Leon County by
Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 903.536.2531 or by email at leon@ag.tamu.edu
to reserve your chili dinner.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
MG Tour
Members of the Texas Agrilife Extension Service Master Gardener
Training Class have started with a field trip that gave an opportunity
to see many innovative and instructive garden demonstrations.
One of the stops was to the A&M Horticulture facilities. A few blocks
from the main College Station campus, the Horticulture Department
gardens are both beautiful and useful.
The beauty comes from the carefully designed beds of flowers, trees,
shrubs, and water features. They are all filled with plants appropriate
for the area, and even at the end of a hot summer, color was everywhere.
The facility effectively uses the “mound and mulch” philosophy to
produce their success. The gardens also serve as a useful research area,
so our Leon County gardener group saw such things as a dramatic group of
about ten varieties of ornamental peppers, each covered with huge crops
of colorful fruits.
Picture Caption:
Mika Lee with the Horticulture Gardens at Texas A&M tours the Leon
County Master Gardeners through the demonstration gardens.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
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