Controlling Weeds in Lawns
Weeds can be grassy,broadleaf, sedge-like or even iris-like as is this
"Blue Eyed Grass." Herbicides can reduce weeds in your turf, but thick
sod keeps weeds out. Apply herbicides either before or several weeks
after first green-up but not during first greening up. Some herbicides
should not be used on certain grass types (read labels thoroughly).
Broadleaf weeds often can be controlled by using selective postemergence
blends that contain two or more herbicides. Formulations of 2,4-D or
blends with 2,4-D are available for most southern grasses, but be extra
careful using it on St. Augustine lawns. Examples of these products are
Bayer Advanced Southern Broadleaf, Ortho, Weed B Gon, Spectracide Weed
Stop, Trimec or Fertilome Weedfree Zone. Manor or Blade herbicides
easily control bahiagrass in Bermuda, centipede, St. Augustine or zoysia
grasses. Most labels will stress use on younger weeds growing in the
cooler midspring. A temporary discoloration of the lawn may occur. A
second application two or three weeks later is usually needed (sometimes
a third). Wet the foliage only; don’t saturate the soil. Control weeds
NOW, in spring! Mow herbicide-treated lawns several times without a bag
before collecting clippings for compost or mulch. Read and follow label
directions! Some products contain phenoxy (2,4-D) herbicides. Avoid
drift and keep spray away from gardens. Clean these sprayers thoroughly
with an ammonia solution if the sprayer is used with plant protectants
on good plants. It is best to buy a sprayer only kept for weed killers.
For Bermuda or zoysia lawns only, weed killers with MSMA or DSMA often
provide good selective control for most grassy and some broadleaf weeds.
Use these two arsenicals when weather is well warm as in June through
August. Preemergence herbicides can be applied to thin lawns to protect
them from weeds until they thicken and cover. These PreEs are not for
newly seeded areas or areas with growing weeds because they work on
seedlings only. Some home PreE are Greenlight Crabgrass Preventer,
StaGreen Crabex, Hi Yield Dimension, Scott’s Halts, Portrait, Atrazine
and Crabgrass Preventer 2. It is often said that your weed control is
only as good as your application, but you also must have an appropriate
material for the time, turf and target species. You can find this and
past articles on the web at for your reference.
Extension programs serve of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level,
race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. The Texas
A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County
Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
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