The third annual Garden Tour sponsored by Texas Agrilife Extension Service in Leon County featured gardens throughout the rural country side of Leon County, over 132 garden enthusiasts entered the intimate and charming outdoor spaces of these residences. They were allowed to see for themselves why more and more of our urban neighbors are moving to the country outdoor spaces. The gardens ranged from formal, old boxwood to informal perennial; from a truly secret retreat to a quiet countryside vegetable garden. The gardens were an interesting mix of sun and shade with an array of plants, statuary, and ponds created in many different spaces. Each garden was unique and demonstrated the personality and needs of the individual garden owners. The tour gave attendees the chance to gather information for their personal use in their own gardens. It also provided the opportunity to discover and examine some of the wonderful treasures of country living that have only been glimpsed when driving by. To add to the enjoyment of the day, the local Extension Education Ladies provided a remarkable feast at the final destenation. Refreshments were provided at each stop by local kitchens of our volunteers. A special Thank you to this years host Mr. and Mrs Steve Torno, Mrs Dorris Ann Coumier and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sarandos for their wonderful hospitality. Extension programs serve of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.
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Texas Agrilife Extension Service volunteer Mrs. Cindy Torno visits with participants on the garden tour at her home.
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Texas Agrilife Extension Agent Tommy Neyland visits with Volunteer Mrs. Dorris Ann Coumier in preparation for the tour of the vetable garden.
Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
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