Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Garden Time Again In Leon County

The garden tour is made up of home gardens scattered throughout Leon
County who are real gardeners...who have generously consented to share
their gardens with you.
You are invited to enjoy the beauty and serenity of our country side by
attending the Third Annual Leon County Garden Tour รข€“ 2008. It will be
held on Tuesday, June 3, with registration at 4:30pm and boarding the
bus at 5:00pm in the Leon County Annex parking area. Visitors on the
tour will be able to view a production vegtable garden, and two home
landscape features ending with a light dinner on the last stop in the
garden. Please join us this year for what promises to be yet another
unique and intimate look into three very special Leon County gardens.

The tour is open to the public; however, preregistration and a fee of
$10.00 is requested for all attendees. You may preregister by
the Texas Agrilife Extension Service at 903.536.2531 or by email at
Extension programs serve of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level,
race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. The Texas
A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County
Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.

Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
P.O. Box 188
Centerville, TX 75833

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