Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chute N the Bull 9-2-10

Productive winter pasture can be a valuable asset, but can also be expensive to establish and grow. Following are five items that will help
your winter pasture start out right.
First, determine what kind of winter pasture is best suited to your
location. This article will only address wheat and cereal rye, our
primary winter pasture species, although other options include oats,
triticale, annual ryegrass, brome grasses, tall fescue and cool-season
legumes. Wheat is better adapted to heavier soils and lasts longer in
the spring, while cereal rye is better adapted to lighter soils and
provides earlier grazing in the fall. Select the forage or forage
mixture that fits your location and meets your forage demands.

Second, collect good quality soil samples and have them analyzed at a
reputable agricultural laboratory. A good quality soil sample will be
representative of the field, collected to the depth recommended by the
lab, be a composite of at least 15 soil cores and represent no more than
40 acres. Phosphorus, potassium and lime requirements can only be
determined by soil analysis. If these are deficient or if soil pH is
below 5.5, production potential and response to nitrogen fertilizer will
be reduced. Phosphorus and potassium should be applied prior to or near
planting while lime should be applied well before planting to allow it
time to react. Nitrogen rates are based on yield goal unless a
sensor-based system, like the Greenseeker®, is being used. Nitrogen
application timing depends on when the forage is needed. If fall or
early winter grazing is the priority, apply most or all of the nitrogen
near planting or soon after emergence. If spring grazing is the
priority, apply enough nitrogen to get the crop started in the fall and
the remainder in late winter or early spring.

Third, prepare a good seedbed. Seedbed preparation can be clean till,
minimum till or no till. Stand establishment is usually quickest with a
weed-free, firm, clean-till seedbed; however, this is the most expensive
method and increases the risk of soil erosion. Minimum till preparation
may consist of mowing, haying or grazing standing vegetation short
and/or burning down with a herbicide followed by light tillage. No-till
preparation is similar to minimum till without the tillage, although
managing summer growth and previous crop residue becomes more important.

Fourth, select a planting method and seeding rate. Planting methods
include drilling and broadcasting. Advantages of drill planting include
improved plant spacing, lower seeding rates, better seed to soil contact
and proper seeding depth. Seeding rates for drill planting range from 90
to 120 pounds per acre. Disadvantages are slower planting speed and
higher equipment costs. Broadcast planting involves spreading the seed
over the seedbed surface, then incorporating it into the soil with a
disk, culti-packer or other light tillage implement. Advantages of
broadcast seeding include faster planting speed, lower equipment cost
and the ability to spread with fertilizer. Disadvantages are higher
seeding rate, lack of depth control, requirement of a second pass for
incorporation and a higher risk of stand failure. Seeding rates for
broadcast planting range from 120 to 150 pounds per acre.

Fifth, select a good variety with quality seed available. Variety
selection can be complicated by seed availability, but try to find one
that has produced well over several years and/or locations in university
trials. Using good quality planting seed is just as important as using
the right variety. If time permits, have an accelerated aging test
conducted to have an indication of the seedling vigor as well as
By paying attention to these items and with a little cooperation from
Mother Nature, you have taken the first steps toward productive winter
pastures. Next, be ready to manage post-emergence weeds, insects,
diseases and grazing. You can find this and past articles on the web at for your serve of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race,
color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. The Texas A&M University
System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners
Courts of Texas Cooperating serve of all ages regardless of
socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national
origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating

Thank you,

Tommy Neyland
County Extension Agent
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
P.O. Box 188
Centerville, Texas 75833
903.536.2531 phone
903.536.3804 fax

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