Friday, February 27, 2009

Chute N The Bull

Although most lawns and gardens look brown and dead through the winter,
a lot of activity is taking place underground as plants prepare for the
growing seasons. Roots are continuing to grow and develop underground
when the plants are dormant aboveground. That is why experts recommend
fall planting for trees and bushes. Roots have time to establish before
spring when active top growth begins. Since beds look dead in the
winter, it can be easy to forget the life below and hurt this
underground growth. You should avoid any digging or cultivation around
plants that could damage the roots. If you plan to work in your garden
during the winter, mark where your bulbs and perennials are so you don’t
step on or uproot them. If possible, gently work in a layer of organic
matter such as compost, rotten sawdust or peat moss around established
plants. Adding organic matter will improve the structure and biological
activity of the soil. While beds are still bare of spring growth, cut
back old perennial foliage in preparation for new growth and remove
leaves or other debris on the crowns of the perennials. Take advantage
of any nice days to get outside and begin tidying up your landscape to
make way for the emerging spring bulbs and flowering plants that will
soon begin their spring show. By mid-February, spring bulbs were
blooming throughout the state, and bulb foliage had emerged and begun
actively growing. When plants are just beginning to come up, even
experienced gardeners can find it difficult to tell a weed from a
desirable plant. Over time, gardeners can become familiar with the
common weed seedlings, but novice gardeners can refer to weed
identification guides that give pictures or drawings of common weed
seedlings. Another way to solve the problem is to cultivate a
relationship with a more experienced gardener and invite that person
over for a little help with weed and flower seedling identification.
Gardeners who find themselves responsible for a landscape that someone
else planted should be patient through one full growing season to learn
what has been planted and where the sunny, shady, wet and dry places are
in the landscape. Waiting and observing the landscape also can help the
new homeowner determine where paths, seating areas, plant screens or
other landscape features are needed. Lawns look brown and bare through
the winter, but this is the perfect time to get work done on them. Wet
winters are ideal for checking drainage problems. Take pictures of where
water stands, and when it dries up, you can take care of those drainage
problems. Remove any leaves remaining on lawns as these hold moisture,
which attract insects and create ideal conditions for disease. Winter is
also a good time to do a soil test. You should do a soil test of your
lawn every three to four years. Our office can provide guidance to
help send the soil in to be tested at the Extension lab, and you will
get back information on your soil pH and recommendations on how to
improve it. Lime takes several months to react fully with the soil, so
winter months are a good time to apply lime if the soil test recommends
it. Clean and tune up lawnmowers and yard equipment in preparation for
the heavy use of spring and summer. Late winter or early spring also is
a great time for trapping any moles feeding in the lawn. Many weeds
germinate in the fall, grow through the winter and complete their life
cycle in early spring, so the best time to get rid of them is while they
are young and actively growing. It is also time to apply a pre-emergent
herbicide to prevent summer annual weeds that will soon be germinating.
Seek advice now from local garden centers, farm supply co-ops and
Extension offices for how to control weeds and improve lawns. You can
find this and past articles on the web at for
your reference. Extension programs serve of all ages regardless of
socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national
origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.

Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service

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