Monday, November 3, 2008

Leon County 4-H Member Honored!

Reagan Robertson of Leon County 4-H was awarded the Texas 4-H Gold Star
Award, Monday October 27, 2008 at a formal banquet in Waco, Texas on the
campus of Baylor University. The Gold Star Award is the highest county
level achievement award made available through Texas 4-H. It is awarded
only once in a member’s 4-H career. Counties have award quotas based on
the number of senior 4-H members. The award is presented to the most
deserving young people without regard to gender. The following are
minimum requirements that must be met: 1. The member must be at least 15
years of age as of August 31 of the current year of the award and must
have completed at least 3 years in 4-H, including the current year.
2. The member must submit an awards program record book in the year he
or she is to be considered for the award. 3. The member must have
completed projects in three different project areas, have submitted
appropriate records on the projects, and have participated in one or
more activities in at least three of the following areas, Method
demonstration/4-H presentation contests, Projects, Citizenship
activities, Project exhibits, Leadership labs, Public relations
(speeches, poster displays, radio, TV, newspapers)

PIC CAPTION: County Extension Agents Tommy & Wendy Neyland, Reagan
Robertson, Parents Clare & Donnie Robertson

Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service

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