Friday, August 29, 2008

MG Propagation

Local Master Gardener Interns get a lesson on Plant Propagation this week during the Texas Agrilife Master Gardener Traing at the Leon County Annex. Most plants reproduce more of their kind through production of seeds. This is SEXUAL REPRODUCTION and it involves the exchange of genetic material between two parent plants. Many ornamental plants do not come "true" from seed. To increase the numbers of these plants, gardeners and horticulturists use ASEXUAL PROPAGATION. In asexual propagation, the new plants are genetically exact copies or clones of a single parent plant. The methods used in asexual propagation range from taking leaf cuttings of African violets to grafting apple cuttings onto root stocks. Sexual propagation of plants involves the exchange of genetic material between parents to produce a new generation. Sexual propagation offers the following advantages:

* It is usually the only method of producing new varieties or cultivars.
* It is often the cheapest and easiest method of producing large numbers of plants.
* It can be a way to avoid certain diseases.
* It may be the only way to propagate some species.

PIC Caption:
Gail Warren Texas Agrilfe Extension Service Master Gardener provides instruction to Leon County MG Interns.

Tommy Neyland, CEA-Ag
Texas Agrilife Extension Service

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